
Jay Van Tress on Steve Harney Intoducing Him to Johnnie

I didn't know who Steve Harney was. I had no idea. Steve had invited me a couple of times to a meet and greet. He said Johnnie's gonna be there and he prophesizes. So I thought, “Haha! So he uses taro cards and he knows what he's doing?”

I really didn't know Steve as I do now. But one of our good friends had been at breakfast with Johnnie, and as he got up Johnnie grabbed him and said, "The Lord tells me you're gonna move and it's going to be OK. You're gonna have a new home and it's going to be OK.

David, my friend, was just flabbergasted as he was telling me this. Because he said only he and his wife had talked about it. Nobody knew they were even considering it. But Johnnie confirms that it is gonna be OK. And it was. 

David is a strong Christian, and I began to trust his judgment and thought, well this Johnnie guy might be alright.

Well, the first time I met Johnnie was at the breakfast. Steve had called Johnnie and said, “Jay is at our place and he needs help.”  Johnnie spoke to me afterwards one on one about my fears and that I need to get rid of them. He said, “The devil owns the fear, and he's after you. Your family is going to watch how you react.” It was a good word and he has been coaching me and teaching me ever since.

It wasn't much later that I was invited to go to David Lowry's, and he asked me to speak just off the top of my head, which I did. I Let them know I appreciate Johnnie and that he just seems to show up. He chases trouble. He chases people with troubled hearts. He does, and he goes. He knew that I had a troubled heart. That is so easy to avoid—going to a hospital or going to someone who's just seeing their sibling die. He chases that, and it's very comforting to know those people that will do that.

We have a lot of fun we go to breakfast or meet for lunch. He's always ordering grits or watermelon, and when they don't have it, he starts to egg them on and tease the waitress!

Jay Van Tress talks on November 4, 2022:

Because of Steve Harney in the breakfast group, I met Johnnie at a dark time in my life.

Johnny gave me a good scolding and told me I was afraid and shouldn't be afraid or have fears of the devil. He said I needed to be strong for the family because they are going to watch me. I am the patriarch, and the devil's going to come after the patriarch. If he can take me down, then he can take the family down. Those were good words, and I was very encouraged after that.

So, 2 or 3 years later, after being friends with Johnnie for a while, Jordan set up his acupuncture clinic in his house. Johnny said he had been seeking help for his shoulder because he couldn't open the car door. He couldn't raise his arm, and he mentioned acupuncture and wondered if Jordan could help. He said, ”Well, I've had a couple doctors tell me I needed surgery.” I said I didn't know and told him to ask. I know Jordan had helped with other rotator cuff problems. He helped me, and he helped my neighbor, so maybe he could help Johnnie.

So, Johnnie was driving in and out of this neighborhood where Jordan lives. He said it was about the last time out and his shoulder healed. It was a time when he knew he needed a home in Fishers because Dee needed a doctor. He was looking for a home. We were looking for a home for him. Everybody was looking for a place for Johnnie to live. On this day, he saw a For Rent sign. He turned around because it was in the same neighborhood where Jordan lives. He called the number and talked to William. I guess the conversation didn't go too well because William wanted too much for the house, and Johnnie said, “Maybe I'll get back with you.” Johnnie said, “The Lord tells me that's my house. Maybe I need to negotiate.” So Johnnie called William back again.

They did negotiate a little bit. And they didn't take the offer at first. Finally, Johnnie told William, “The Lord tells me that's my house.” William tells me now that the Lord said to him that Johnnie is there for a reason. So, they came together on price and William and his wife prayed for Johnnie and Dee’s condition when they moved in.

They were both trying to guess why each other was in their life. William was wondering if he needed to save Johnnie. And Johnnie was wondering if he needed to save William. But after the initial meeting (and I guess it wasn't too much longer after), William went to see Jordan because he saw the sign and found out he knew Johnnie. William came back to Johnnie after a few months and said, “The Lord tells me you're to be my mentor. That's why you're in my house.” So now he’s working with Johnnie, and Johnnie is his mentor. They are working together, and they're good friends. God brought it all together.